به نام خدا


جلسه اول (2مهر98): مقدمات

You can find the summary of the course details in this

address, only with this change:
Oral Presentation before 1 Azar: +1


A good website for learning grammar



جلسه دوم (9مهر98):

Grammar 1: Structure of sentences in English language

Reading: Unit 1


جلسه سوم (16مهر98):


Grammar 2: Tense of the sentences and  passive sentences


جلسه چهارم(23مهر98):

Reading: EDI Project information file (


Excercise for next week: Translation of sectors 2 & 3 of the above PDF


جلسه پنجم(30مهر98):

Reading (continued): EDI Project information file (



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